
It’s Spring! Time to Clean Up

It’s Spring! Time to Clean Up

There is Urgency

The last event I set up for was interesting. Everyone I spoke with is feeling a sense of urgency to detox. Many people reported long bouts of cold and flu this last winter. Some people told stories of either themselves or someone dear to them getting a diagnosis of cancer or some autoimmune disorder. This is something that keeps me awake at night pondering. What is going on here? How can I help?

Where to Turn

For myself, I have always turned to food and herbs to keep clean and healthy in my body. I am grateful that so far, that has worked. Lets face it, we live in a world of toxins, allergens, viruses and bacteria. The trick is to build the right biome that allows the good and blocks the not so good. By the way, I don’t consider any of these things bad. Our Earth is a living, breathing organism doing the same thing that our bodies do. Everything it can do to get and stay in balance. She grows, deals with fertility, eliminates, absorbs, can get sick and heal. And so can we.

So If You Want To Detox

So here are some simple Spring detox ideas to get you started.

So here are some simple Spring detox ideas to get you started.

1.Use a Dry Body Brush when you bathe. Just briskly brush all over your body before you enter the shower or bath. The dead skin washes away and leaves you feeling fresh and tingly and your lymph activated.

2. Drink Lemon water throughout the day. This is a great habit to get into no matter the season. Lemon is a great detoxifier and if you do this especially before meals then you get full faster and that helps maintain healthy weight when other good habits are in place as well.

3. Drink A cup or two of a good detox herb blend. I have designed the perfect gentle Tisane for this purpose. Very Berry Liver and Kidney Tonic. This tisane (herbal tea) combination is designed to strengthen the processes of the liver and kidney. This causes the body to naturally detox at a more efficient rate. It can be drunk regularly. No need for extremes here just consistency .

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4. Intermittent Fasting. There are lots of studies on this practice now but actually this practice is much closer to what our DNA expects out of us. Giving your body periodical breaks in eating can help relieve many issues in the body, including excess weight, inflammation, bloating, lack of energy. However there is a right way to do it. Dr. Mercola has some interesting things to say about this topic. Go check it out. It will come up in a separate tab so that you can come right back.

5. Drink pure Celery Juice everyday. Plain and simple. Fresh is best so don’t try to make it ahead of time. It loses it’s efficacy quickly. So if you don’t have a juicer you should get one.

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6. Learn to prepare nutritious food at HOME! Learn to use plenty of fresh herbs. So many of them have medicinal properties to help the body detox. Cilantro and parsley are the heavy metal removers. Rosemary is anti viral but it also helps with pain. Thyme helps protect the cells from viral invasions by closing off the receptors. Try our Cold Comfort or Lovely Lemon Immunitea.

7. Please do sign up for our Newsletter There you will receive recipes and suggestions for healthy body hacks that I’ll only share with the list. Look over in the sidebar for the sign up.

2 Replies to “It’s Spring! Time to Clean Up”

  1. Dede

    Love love your teas, been drinking them for years. Thank you for all your wisdom and spirit!!! Loved seeing you again at the women’s Temple tea tasting ♥️

  2. Toni (Post author)

    Thank You Dede! I love hearing these stories. Would you mind letting others know which Teas are your favorite? As you well know when we share with others we give them permission to have those experiences too. So much love to you and yours.

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